Saturday, March 20, 2010

Progress News

Well, I'm getting ready to submit my WIP Secret Fantasy (Chris Masterson and Sara Donovan's story) to Shadow Fire Press. Cross your fingers for me and wish me luck! It's not my first submission, and hopefully not my next rejection. My CB and I have worked really hard on it for a little while and believe that it's ready. Maybe I'll be able to post some good news. (I intend to post a link to their website so everyone can head over to the website and check out all of the juicy reads on their coming soon list)
Anyway, I'll be working on getting Sweet Temptation (Maxwell Phillips and Kali Wright's story) I'm thinking of submitting it to Red Sage....Still not sure on that point though. That's the last thing I'll worry about at this point. Their story isn't quite ready to be sent out into the world. So that's all for now. Hope everyone has a wonderful day.


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