Hello. I'm adding my thought of the day a little early because my husband wants to have another movie night.
So I chose this one because today was a day of road blocks. Not because of anything other that outside things. I think that perhaps there were little gremlins at work, maybe it was fate telling me today just wasn't the day...what ever. The point is I won't give up. Because writing is something I can't go a single day without thinking about it, reading about it, wondering about it...well, you get the picture.
The thing is...I think that sometimes we subconsciously throw road blocks in our own way. For what ever reason we try to deter ourselves. Sometimes we have a fear of failure, lack of confidence, maybe we doubt our talent...but whatever it is that stands in our way we have to stay true to our path, we cannot deviate from it otherwise, we let someone very important down: ourselves. And every morning when you get up and look at yourself 'you' have to face what you didn't do.
That's why I'm so grateful for the friends I have. Like today, I had one of those moments. I wanted to doubt myself...started to lose my nerve about submitting my story...but my wonderful CB told me 'No, I won't let you give up' then proceeded to talk me out of my fear of failure. I'm very lucky to have such a friend in my life.
So, I guess I'll leave you with this thought. Next time you think about giving up something you love more than anything else, think again. Because if you wake up and can't think of anything other than that one desire, maybe there's a good reason for it. Have a wonderful evening everyone. Talk to you tomorrow!